Our Features

In an increasingly competitive market, we can provide your company with the solutions it needs to increase profitability, lower overhead, and improvement in workflow. Organizations that can benefit from our services include:

Third Party Administrators (TPA's)

Self-insured Employers


Accounting Firms

Data Entry, Invoice e-Mailing, Record Keeping

Managed Care Networks


Who really needs job to outsource

Common Approaches

Why Outsource?

40% to 60% of your Operating Cost is: PAYROLL

Outsourcing will help you reduce that cost by 50% to 70%!




Clients (Intl. & Domestic)


Paper Claim Entry/Month

Need Help? Sure we are Online!

Let us give you more about ourselves. Please write us about yourself and how may we help you @: info@outsourcebizindia.com
It would be our pleasure to work with you!